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Objectives of the Course:

  • To develop basic understanding of different Art forms – impact of Art forms on the human mind
  • To enhance artistic and aesthetic sensibility of learners to enable them to respond to the beauty in different Art forms, through genuine exploration, experience and free expression
  • To develop skills for integrating different Art forms across school curriculum at secondary level
  • To create awareness of the rich cultural heritage, artists and artisans

Objectives of the Course:

  • To familiarize student- teachers about the conceptions about child and childhood (specifically with reference to the Indian Social context)
  • To develop a critical understanding of the different Social, Educational and Cultural contexts at the core of the exploration of childhood
  • To develop an understanding of the different aspects of a Child with diverse abilities in the Social, Cultural and Political context of India
  • To acquaint them with respect to the role of different agencies in the healthy development of children.

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Objectives of the course:
  • To develop understanding about the basic differences between Social Studies and Social Sciences.
  • To understand the need for teaching Social Sciences as an integrated discipline
  • To develop the ability to justify the relevance of social Sciences in terms of Contemporary events.
  • To gain knowledge about the different approaches associated with the discipline
  • To develop certain professional skills useful for classroom teaching.
  •  To develop notion of Democracy, National integration etc.
PSE II is the school engagement of about 2 weeks before going to actual classroom teaching.
It Includes:
  • Organization of Co-curricular activities by pupil teachers by assisting and participating in the organisation of the same and recording experiences of the same in a reflective journal.
  • Writing a reflective journal on the problems faced by teachers in assessment through the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation by observing the teachers evaluating students and engaging with them to know their problems with respect to implementation of the scheme in their school.
  • The student teacher shall also undertake the field activities pertaining to the practicals during this period.
Objectives of the course:
  • To student-teachers will develop the understanding of the nature of Accountancy as a subject at Senior Secondary Stage.
  • To understand the rationale of including Accountancy in the school curriculum
  • To make use of workbooks and practice sets for gaining practical knowledge of the world of Accountancy.
  • To equip them with the essential qualities of an ideal Accounting teacher
  • To familiarize them with the techniques of evaluation in Accountancy.
  • To develop in them the awareness about curricular innovations in Accountancy.
Objectives of the Course:

  • To Understand the Concepts of Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
  • To acquaint student-teachers about various Tools and Techniques of Evaluation
  • To Develop understanding of Statistical Methods and Interpretation of scores
  • To create awareness about New Trends in Evaluation
  • To Devise a strategy to incorporate the suggestions given in the Ist CCE report for the progress of the learner.

Objectives of the Course:

  • To enable student-teachers to read and respond to a variety of texts in different ways and also learn to think together and appreciate that depending on the text and the purposes of reading, responses may be personal or creative or critical or all of these together.
  • To develop meta-cognitive awareness in student-teachers to become conscious of their own thinking processes as they engage with diverse texts.
  • To enhance their capacities as readers and writers by becoming participants in the process of reading.

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Objectives of the Course:

  • To develop in student-teachers an understanding of the nature of Physics and its interface with society.
  • Acquire a conceptual understanding of the Pedagogy of Physics.
  • To Acquire and learn specific laboratory skills to conduct practical work in Physics.
  • Develop and use the techniques for evaluation of student's performance.
  • To critically analyse the Curriculum and textbooks from the dimension of development of Scientific Values.

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Objectives of the Course:

  • To develop in student-teachers an understanding of the nature of integrated science and its interface with society.
  • Appreciate the significance of integrated science at various levels of school curriculum.
  • Acquire a conceptual understanding of the Pedagogy of Science.
  • To Acquire and learn specific laboratory skills to conduct practical work in Science.
  • Develop and use the techniques for evaluation of student's performance.
  • To critically analyse the Curriculum and textbooks from the dimension of integration

Objectives of the course:

  • To enable student-teachers to attain efficiency and effectiveness in teaching and learning Sanskrit Language.
  • To understand the role of Sanskrit in India and its place in the school curriculum.
  • To be committed, inspired and interested in teaching Sanskrit.
  • To facilitate the effective use of learning resources.
  • To develop strategies in order to meet the learning difficulties in teaching Sanskrit.
  • To identify and be sensitive to the proficiency, interests and needs of learners.
  • To encourage continuous professional development.

Objectives of the Course:

  • To enable student teachers to understand the importance of policies & programs during pre & post independence era.
  • Comprehend the system of Indian education.
  • Analyze the forces affecting the education system.
  • Critically examine the issues and concerns of education in the socio-cultural context in India.
  • Sensitize with the cause & effects of social evils
  • Inculcation of sensitivity & values in education.
  • Develop vision for future of Indian education.

उेय :

• शा म भाषा के महव को रेखांकत कर सक गे।

• हद भाषा शण के उेय  क! पू$त% के लए (भावी साधन  एवं समु-चत /व-धय का (योग कर सक गे।

• 0वयं म अपे2त भाषा- कौशल  का /वकास कर सक गे।

• (थम भाषा अ-धगम क! सम0याओं को समझकर उह दूर करने का (यास कर सक गे।

• /व7या-थ%य  के अ-धगम का समु-चत मू8यांकन कर सक गे।

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Objectives of the course:

  • To develop in the student –teachers interest for Teaching and Learning Punjabi.
  • To develop strategies in order to meet the learning difficulties in teaching Punjabi as a mother tongue/first/second language at school.
  • To think strategies to direct the creative abilities of the students at the school level.
  • To identify and be sensitive to the proficiency, interests and needs of learners.
  • To practice learner centred methods and techniques in the classroom.

Course Objectives:

  • To develop in student-teachers an understanding of the nature of Biology and its interface with Society
  • Acquire a conceptual understanding of the Pedagogy of Biology.
  • To Acquire and learn specific laboratory skills to conduct practical work in Biology.
  • Develop and use the techniques of CCE for assessment of student's performance.
  • To evolve as a reflective practitioner through use of innovative practices in the teaching of Biology.

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Objectives of the Course:

  • To create awareness in student-teachers with respect to the range of cognitive capacities and affective processes in human learners.
  • To acquaint student-teachers with the different contexts of learning and situate schools as a special environment for learning.
  • To enable them to reflect on their own implicit understanding of the nature and kinds of learning.
  • To develop an understanding of different theoretical perspectives of learning with a focus on cognitive views of learning.
  • To familiarize them with the concept and nature of Intelligence, Personality and Adjustment.
Objectives of the course:

  • To understand the need and importance of English language .
  • To develop proficiency in the language.
  • To be familiar with the psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics aspects of language.
  • To enable the students to use technology to enrich language teaching.
  • To be aware of the pedagogical practices required for teaching English on second language.
  • To facilitate the effective use of learning resources.
  • To encourage continuous professional development.
  • To develop an appreciation of the role of English in both academics and life.

Objectives of the course:

  • To develop in the student-teachers an awareness why business studies is taught at +2 level.
  • To develop an analytical ability to appraise the existing CBSE curriculum of Business Studies meant for +2 students, and its comparison with other school boards
  • To familiarize with the nature of business studies being taught at the school level
  • To be conversant with the different methods of teaching meant for teaching +2 students,
  • To instil the competence of organizing co-curricular activities for enriching the subject matter of business studies,
  • To develop the tools and techniques of evaluation for appraising and enhancing students knowledge in Business Studies,
  • To develop awareness of curricular innovations in Business Studies.

Objectives of the Course:

  • To understand the nature of Mathematics.
  • To understand the historical developments leading to concepts in modern Mathematics.
  • To understand the learning theories and their applications in Mathematics Education.
  • To improve the competencies in secondary level Mathematics.
  • To understand the various instructional strategies and their appropriate use in teaching Mathematics at the secondary level.
  • To understand the preparation and use of diagnostics test and organize remedial teaching.
  • To apply appropriate evaluation techniques in Mathematics.

The School Internship Part-II shall entail the assessment of the final lesson plan at the culmination of the internship wherein the student teacher will be observed by external and internal examiners while they teach in the schools. This assessment shall be done for both the pedagogies of teaching subjects opted by the students-teacher and each shall carry 100 marks.
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The School Internship Part-II shall entail the assessment of the final lesson plan at the culmination of the internship wherein the student teacher will be observed by external and internal examiners while they teach in the schools. This assessment shall be done for both the pedagogies of teaching subjects opted by the students-teacher and each shall carry 100 marks. 

School Internship Part I shall include the undertaking of the following tasks and the assessment shall be based on a Viva Voce External Examination which shall be held in the college premises.
  • Simulated Teaching (2 in each) [5*2=10M]
  • Discussion Lessons (2 Lessons in each pedagogy course) [10*2=20M]
  • 50 Lesson Plans (25 in each pedagogy course) [25*1=25M]
  • Achievement Test Report (ATR )(1 in each pedagogy course) [5*2=10M]
  • Two Lessons Delivered in each pedagogy course through the use of Multimedia [5*2=10M]
  • Text Book Review [10M]
  • Use of Teaching Learning Material in Classroom Discourse (including teaching aids and reference material) [10M]
  • Peer Group observation [5M]

School Internship Part I shall include the undertaking of the following tasks and the assessment shall be based on a Viva Voce External Examination which shall be held in the college premises.

  • Simulated Teaching (2 in each) [5*2=10M]
  • Discussion Lessons (2 Lessons in each pedagogy course) [10*2=20M]
  • 50 Lesson Plans (25 in each pedagogy course) [25*1=25M]
  • Achievement Test Report (ATR )(1 in each pedagogy course) [5*2=10M]
  • Two Lessons Delivered in each pedagogy course through the use of Multimedia [5*2=10M]
  • Text Book Review [10M]
  • Use of Teaching Learning Material in Classroom Discourse (including teaching aids and reference material) [10M]
  • Peer Group observation [5M]

Objectives of the Course:
• To develop basic understanding of different Art forms – impact of Art forms on the
human mind
• To enhance artistic and aesthetic sensibility of learners to enable them to respond to the
beauty in different Art forms, through genuine exploration, experience and free
• To develop skills for integrating different Art forms across school curriculum at
secondary level
• To create awareness of the rich cultural heritage, artists and artisans

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